Projects | Zitao He
A android app is developed to compare multiple job offers with current job using Java
and Android Studio
. The database is implemented in SQLite
A random forest-based leaner written in native Python
is developed to automatically make trading decisions based on historical data processed using Pandas
. The effect of impact on learner strategy is studied. Github Repo is private. Please contact me for if you are interested in a demo.
The projects are implemened in:
• Implemented filters (including Kalman and particle filters) in order to localize moving objects
whose locations are subject to noise.
• Implement search algorithms (including A*) to plan the shortest path from one point to another
subject to costs on different types of movement.
• Implement PID controls to smoothly correct an autonomous robot’s course.
• Implement a SLAM algorithm for a robot moving in at least two dimensions.
Github Repo is private. Please contact me for if you are interested in a demo.
A Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)
solver to solve imcompressible lid-driven cavity flow problem. Implemented in Python
, using NumP
y, Scipy
for computational and Matplotlib
for data visualization. Github Repo
A redesign of iOS Chase Bank app using human-computer-interaction(HCI)
methods and principles.
Github Repo is private. Please contact me for if you are interested in a demo.
A 3D kart racing game built by Unity
game engine and C#
. Github Repo
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